Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Welcome to our new Isabel's Gift Blog.  We will be using this space to keep our supporters updated on events, happenings and interesting news that relates to NICU families.  We hope you will visit occassionally, comment often, and come to think of our blog as a community-your community. 
As we enter into this busy holiday season, IG would like to encourage you to think about those families spending their days sitting along side an isolette worrying about the health of their newborn baby.  Families who have "graduated" from a NICU stay, will tell you it is a very challenging and emotional time.  Imagine going through what might easily be one of the most difficult times of your life, all while trying to manage the hustle and bustle of the holidays for the rest of your family and children at home.  The idea of "challenging" does not quite do justice to what our NICU famlies face during the holidays.  So as you are going about crossing your holiday to-do tasks off of your list, we hope you will take a few minutes to think about those families struggling to get through their NICU stay and consider making a donation to help us support them during this time.